Our Latest Obsession: Burnie Portable Campfire

Posted by Adam Warner on Feb 23, 2015

This week we're putting the spotlight on the Burnie Portable Campfire.

Made from natural alder wood, this self-contained fire is the perfect accessory for camping trips, tailgating, or just lounging in the backyard. You can even use it to roast, grill, or smoke your favorite foods while on the go.


The campfire -- which contains a circle of charcoal -- heats evenly, is completely chemical-free, and easily lights with just one match. It will even burn itself out when you're finished, leaving behind nothing to clean up.

The Burnie currently comes in two different sizes, medium and large, with the larger version ($14.95) able to burn for nearly three hours.

Both practical and fun, this is truly a must-add registry item for outdoorsy couples.

In case you missed it:

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